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How to use Image Select field to make your Elementor Form more attractive

If you want your clients to be able to see their options without difficulty, you should utilize an image select field instead of standard drop-downs, radio buttons, or checkboxes.

Using a form with an image select field is essential for event companies with decoration options, restaurants with food options, clothing stores with diverse designs, and so on. For a better visual, check out our demo below.

Demonstration of Image Select field

Tutorials - How to add Image Select field to your form

To begin, make sure that you already enabled the feature Image Select field in the PAFE Settings.

After that, you can either create a new form or continue with an existing one.

For example, we have a field with label “Product”:


Firstly, edit Product Field > Content Tab> Field > Type > choose Image Select field type


In the Options box, set options for Image Select field. Enter each option in a separate line. To differentiate between label and value, separate them with a pipe char (“|”).


By default, the first option of Image Select field is selected. If you don’t want that, please add a blank line or a pipe char/vertical in the first option.


In Image Select field settings, you also may choose to enable or disable “Send data by label” or “Remove this field from repeater”.


With Multiple Selection Enabled, your customers can choose many options. Besides, you can set Limit Multiple Selects, Rows, and Default Value.


To add a new image, click the Box.

So we have completed a simple Image Select field. A view of your form:


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