Messenger Icon

Dynamic Tags

Since PAFE Version 7.0 was released. You can set Dynamic Default Values for Fields by using PAFE Dynamic Tags (Thunder icon as the illustration below) or manually embed these shortcodes.

1. Current Post / Page




{{post_time | format:F j, Y}}

{{post_modified_time | format:F j, Y}}

{{post_content | length:0}}

{{post_excerpt | length:50}}


{{post_featured_image | size:full}}

{{post_terms | taxonomy:tags | separator:, | link:true}}


2. Custom Field

{{post_custom_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{acf_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{metabox_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{pods_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{toolset_field | name:your_field_name}}

{{jetengine_field | name:your_field_name}}


3. Author Info

{{author_info | meta:display_name}}

{{author_info | meta:user_nicename}}

{{author_info | meta:user_email}}

{{author_info | meta:description}}

{{author_info | meta:user_meta}}


4. Woocommerce


{{wc_product_price | format:full}}

{{wc_product_price | format:original}}

{{wc_product_price | format:sale}}



{{wc_product_short_description | length:0}}

{{post_terms | taxonomy:product_cat | separator:, | link:true}}

{{post_terms | taxonomy:product_tag | separator:, | link:true}}



5. Current Date Time


You can custom date format like this {{current_date_time | date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s}}


6. Shortcode

{{shortcode | shortcode:[your_shortcode]}}


7. Archive


{{archive_description | length:0}}

{{archive_meta | term_id:term_id | meta_key:meta_key}}


8. Term








{{term_meta | meta_key:meta_key}}


9. Current Request (POST, GET)

E.g. You want to get parameter value from the URL

GET : {{request | parameter:utm_source}}

POST : {{request_post | parameter:utm_source}}

You can refer to more information on how to redirect data.


10. Current User Info

{{user_info | meta:ID}}

{{user_info | meta:user_login}}

{{user_info | meta:user_nicename}}

{{user_info | meta:user_email}}

{{user_info | meta:user_url}}

{{user_info | meta:user_registered}}

{{user_info | meta:user_status}}

{{user_info | meta:display_name}}

{{user_info | meta:custom_user_meta}}


11. Remote IP


Please check your email inbox. If you haven’t received anything,

also check your spam folder.

PAFE Form Builder


PAFE Widgets

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Popup Trigger URL
Piotnet Addons For Elementor