Similar to the Text Field, users can type any symbols, numbers, and letters of every language.
The Email Field requires users to type properly standard format emails. The system will warn once the input content is invalid.
The email field is the basic element if you want to create any form to survey, collect information, or allow customers to place an order. Almost every website you visit appears to have an email field. Unlike the text field, the email field requires the user to enter a valid email address or else it will report an error, lowering the risk of customers entering incorrect information and costing you a potential customer.
Tutorial - How to add Email field to your form
Step 1: Create a form or open a form you have already created.
Step 2: Drag and drop to add a new field and choose the field type as Email field.

Form ID: Applying only one Identity of the Form value is a basic mandatory in order for your Form to work normally. Enter the same Form ID for all fields in a form.
How to name your Form ID: Be aware that you can use only Latin characters for this name. Numbers and underscores are also acceptable but do not leave spaces. If you want to use multiple words to name the field, divide them with an underscore.
E.g., order_form (use an underscore instead of a dash/hyphen)
Type: Choose Email
Field ID: The identity of the Field has to be unique in a Form. Duplicated Field IDs will make your Form not work properly.
How to name your Field ID: Be aware that you can use only Latin characters for this name. Numbers and underscores are also acceptable but do not leave spaces. If you want to use multiple words to name the field, divide them with an underscore. Furthermore, please do not enter Field ID = product.
E.g., your_field_id (use an underscore instead of a dash/hyphen)
Shortcode: You could get the input data of the field by embedding this shortcode into a hidden field, calculated field, email, or other actions in Submit Button
Label: It is a name that appears above the field bar and is visible to users.
Show Label: Depending on your purpose, you can show the Label of the field or not by this function.
Inline Label: As the name of the function, it helps your Label and input field be placed in the same row.
Required: When you enable this function, a website visitor obviously must fill out/choose options in this field. Once the user ignores it, the system will warn by a default message.
Required mark: Show the mandatory mark right on the Label
Live Preview Code: You can show the input data to show up directly on your Form. To get a demo, please click here
Other Options
Pattern: In order to customize format for your input fields, you can set up condition into Pattern box.
Invalid message: an error notification will show up to alert when the format of input data is incorrect.
Autocomplete: The Autocomplete function provides suggestions while you type into the field.
Max Length: Limit the number of input characters. If the Website user exceeds the Max Length, a notification will show up to warn.
Remove this field from Repeater: Apply for Repeater function.
Remove this field from email message: Apply for Email Action depending on specific option values. For example: when a website user chooses a particular option, and you do not want to show this field in email by this option.
You can implement an Icon from our default icon media and are able to customize the width, size, position, and color of the icon.
You can customize the Label elements: Space between Label and Content, Text Align, Text Color, Typography
You can customize the Content Elements: Text Align, Text Color, Typography, Background Color, Input Max Width, Input Padding, Input Placeholder Color, Input Placeholder Typography, Border Type, Border Type, Border Type, Border Radius, and Box Shadow.
Adjust Margin, Padding, Width, Position, Z-index, CSS ID, CSS Classes
Motion Effects
Scrolling Effects, Mouse Effects, Sticky: None, Top, Button, Entrance Animation
You can set both normal and hover styles for elements: Rotate, Offset, Scale, Scale, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical
You can set both normal and hover styles for Background Type.
You can set both normal and hover styles for Border Type, Border Radius, Box Shadow
Adjust the Shape, Size, Position or Repeat
Responsive visibility will take effect only on the preview or live page, and not while editing in Elementor.
You can hide it on your Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile.
Set custom attributes for the wrapper element. Each attribute in a separate line. Separate attribute key from the value using | character.
Custom CSS
Add your own custom CSS here