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The best way to include a Color Picker field for Elementor

Making an excellent form is not always simple. The fonts, format, and even the color must all be chosen. If you’ve ever completed all of this manually, you know how tiresome and time-consuming it can be. The same emotions might be experienced by your guests.

Fortunately, you don’t have to use a manual form. A simple color picker field can make it easier to view results and find exactly the shade you want. You may also improve your website visitors’ experiences by including a WordPress color picker field in your form.

With the Color Picker Field, you can allow your users to design your website and select a specific color in the form. This field type lets a website visitor specify a color, either by using a visual color-picker interface.

Demonstration of Color Picker field

When you use the color picker field with PAFE Form Builder, it will be displayed as the following:

Tutorials - How to add a Color Picker field

Before using this feature in PAFE Form Builder, ensure that you have enabled it in the Piotnet Addons settings.

You’ll then design your form. You can also make changes to an existing one.
You can then add fields to your form from here. You are free to be as inventive as you want, creating anything from a Simple Contact form to a Survey. Fill in as many or as few fields as you need.

Then, simply drag and drop the Field widget into the form and change the field type to the Color Picker field.

The last step is to publish your form on the desired page. Now that it’s available, your users will be able to access it and submit their data.

color picker field setting for elementor

More Information related

In addition, Piotnet offers many other products with diverse features, easy to use and make your website more attractive than ever such as Piotnet Forms, Piotnet Grid, Piotnet Bricks.

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