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Zoho CRM

 Zoho CRM is a tool to store customer information and provide customer management, automated marketing, enterprise development solutions, and departmental systems. 


Step 1: Access the admin page: Piotnet Addons -> Settings > Integration > Zoho Integration select the appropriate Domain and fill in the Client ID and Client Secret information, click Save Settings to save the changes.

  • Note: When ADD CLIENT select Server-based Applications.
     – Client Name: Enter Client Name
     – Homepage URL:
     – Authorized Redirect URIs:
Server-based Applications
Zoho CRM Infomation

Domain: You must use your domain-specific Zoho Accounts URL to generate access and refresh tokens. The following are the various domains and their corresponding accounts URLs.

  • For US:
  • For AU:
  • For EU:
  • For IN:
  • For CN:
  • For JP:

Step 2: After saving the valid information, click Authenticate Zoho CRM to confirm access.

zoho crm 1
Allow zoho to access accounts

Step 3: Create a form to collect necessary information.

Create new form

Step 4: Click submit button -> Actions After Submit -> Add Action, select Zoho CRM.

Add Zoho CRM to Actions After Submit

Step 5: In Zoho CRM section select the appropriate module to save customer information. Then click GET TAG NAME. The list of Tag Name will be displayed.


Step 6: Mapping the fields and the corresponding shortcode to save information into Zoho CRM.

Example (Field First Name):

Copy First_Name to Tag Name
Copy shortcode to Field ShortCode
  • Completed all fields mapping
Completed all fields mapping

Check form activity.

Notice: while inserting records there are a few system-defined mandatory fields that you need to mention. In order to successfully insert records in Zoho CRM, make sure you enter user-defined mandatory fields too.

Please refer to System-defined mandatory fields for each module

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also check your spam folder.

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